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for collectors

We insure art collections.

Tanja Ritterbex, “Walking upstairs in Mallorca”, bunny glue, oil and oil pencils on canvas, 2018
Tanja Ritterbex, “Walking upstairs in Mallorca”, bunny glue, oil and oil pencils on canvas, 2018
Dr. Stephan Zilkens | Zilkens Kunstversicherung

We make sure that your art is safe everywhere.

Owning or collecting art is a source of pleasure every day. Emotions and memories are associated with each individual piece. This makes us all the more conscious of our responsibility to ensure that the assets we insure are protected efficiently.

In our insurance concepts, we always work on the assumption of a claim because in the end, that aspect is always the focus of attention.

Please get in touch with us. It will be our pleasure to advise you.

Dr. phil. Stephan Zilkens

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Looking back on 10 years of Zilkens’ Cologne Fine Art Insurance Talk.
Boris Becker, „Bir el Shadia Hedschas Bahn“ aus dem Projekt „Lawrence von Arabien“, 2010

Your passion – our duty

For collectors

Not every work of art is held in the same esteem: some lose significance and collections change during the course of a lifetime.

The material value of the individual work of art can change too. Generally speaking, the values develop more positively than the average stock market index – and with astounding stability. In the event of loss or damage, then, a sufficiently high insurance sum should be available to acquire comparable quality on the market again, even if the emotional value is irretrievably lost. Insurers often see nothing but the aggregate insurance sum and, in the event of a claim, emphasise the theme of underinsurance. Clear rules must be made in this area.

You loan works to art exhibitions or artworks to galleries for commissions? Do you know what insurance cover these institutions have? At all events, the work of art at the exhibition is not insured any better than it would be if it was insured within your own four walls with 1 million euros and at the exhibition with 2 million euros. The exhibition’s insurer will ask questions about the difference.

These are just a few examples of the issues that confront us every day. If you require further details, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Extensive archive of our lectures on art and the art insurance business for you to read.
Edition of Nationale Suisse, photoprint, ed. 63/150, 2011


About us

It is the love of art and the absolute satisfaction of our clients that has made us so successful for more than 35 years.

We deliberately focus on the things we know something about and have experts for all essential areas of risk management and occupational pension provision. For special requirements, we can draw on our network of experienced specialists.

Few insurance brokers have such a broad range of experience in all areas of insurance. Through many years of experience, both with insurance companies and insurance brokers, and always in close contact with our clients, we have learned to speak all the necessary languages. We have been able to develop our current expertise through many years of working for other companies. Innovation is our constant companion.

So that your art is safe everywhere.


Zilkens Fine Art Insurance Broker GmbH is an owner-run (CV Dr. Stephan Zilkens) company. This lends a special significance to our corporate philosophy, as the owner vouches with his name for the company’s services and performance.

Two characteristics define our brand essence. One is our love of art and the other is our customers’ absolute satisfaction. Only the consonance of these two factors makes us successful.

To fulfil our aspiration of providing reliable orientation in an increasingly complex world, we adhere to a set of ethical and moral principles. The quality of our work plays a special part in this process. We want to and can distinguish ourselves only with excellent performance and customer satisfaction.

We endeavour to advise our customers neutrally and in the optimum manner with a high level of expertise. Reliability is seen as something special these days, but we live and breathe it on a daily basis. We always search for the the best and safest solution because we have geared our customer relationships to the long-term.

The Zilkens Fine Art Insurance Broker team
from left to right: Stephanie Oeing, Stephan Zilkens, Clarissa Möhrl, Claudia Teichner, Leonie Klostermann, Ole Petter Börgers, Gina Labetzsch, Birgitt Haffmann, Birgit Jakubek, Perihan Poplata, Friedrich Haupt