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Zilkens' News Blog Archive

Zilkens News Blog 48 2022

In 4 weeks, the year will be over - more than 9 months ago, the Russians invaded Ukraine and did not expect the people there to fight for their freedom - hence the title of the exhibition at Campus M in Cologne "Worth Fighting For", which underlines the independence of Ukrainian culture. Until 14 December, the exhibition is open daily (including Mondays) from 10:00 - ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 47 2022

More than 450 people came to the opening of the exhibition "Worth Fighting For" at Campus "M" in Oskar-Jäger-Strasse 97-99 in Cologne. Among them was the liberal veteran Gerhard Baum. The caterer was pleased - he didn't have to take back a bottle. The opening speeches by Berivan Aymaz, who represented the Federal Commissioner for Culture and Media, Claudia Roth, and State Secretary Türkeli-Dehnert were ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 46 2022

The time has come: this evening, the exhibition "Worth Fighting For" will open in a former car dealership at Oskar-Jäger-Strasse 97-99 in Cologne on 2,400 m². The Museum Ludwig in Cologne, for example, only has about 1,600 m² available for temporary exhibitions. The opening speech will be given by Berivan Aymaz, Vice-President of the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, as the Minister of State Claudia ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 45 2022

One more week and then "Worth Fighting For" will open in Cologne. Apart from Mrs. Roth, we expect the new Ukrainian Ambassador and a video address by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister. There is still a lot to do before the world can see the powerful works that Bjorn Geldhof from Kyiv and Bart de Bare from Antwerp have put together: Walls need to be erected, ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 44 2022

In 14 days, Claudia Roth will open the exhibition "Worth Fighting For" in Cologne. Works by more than 20 Ukrainian artists in dialogue with works by Kerry James Marshall, Jan Fabre and Luc Tuymans, among others, show the independence of Ukrainian culture. Cars used to be sold at the exhibition venue. This explains the high budget for the exhibition, in ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 43 2022

From 14.11. the exhibition "Worth Fighting For" with works of contemporary Ukrainian art combined with positions from the Museum für Hedendaagse Kunst in Antwerp and parts of the Russian War Crimes will take place in Cologne and can be seen every day for 4 weeks. Admission is free. In preparation, we are in contact with the team of the Pinchuk Art Centre in Kyiv. It's ... read more