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Zilkens' News Blog Archive

Zilkens' News Blog 12 2022

"My peace is gone" says Gretchen in Faust and later, slightly modified, "Putin, I am in fear of you", thus describing the emotional state of 99.9% of the free world, which had not thought that what happened on 24 February 2022 was possible. No one wanted to listen to the 0.1% admonishers and warners, because what cannot be cannot be. But now it is, and ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 11 2022

Dear readers of Kobel's Art Week,The aggressive war operation against Ukraine, triggered by Russia and its power apparatus against all international law, continues to play with fire. Missile attacks on areas just outside the Polish border could, if the targeting is bad, become a NATO alliance case, and then there it is - the Third World War that no one could actually imagine any more. ... read more

Zilkens‘ News Blog 10 2022

Dear readers of Kobel's Art Week and our newsblog,Some people have Russian friends and wonder why the attack on Ukraine could happen. This does not sit well with those we call our friends. However, there is now a great deal of uncertainty, which also has a broad impact on cultural life. Sopranos and conductors are being disinvited and can no longer perform their art - ... read more

Zilkens‘ News Blog 9 2022

Dear friends of Kobel's Art Week and of our newsblog,Last week I was unable to imagine what happened on Thursday. A war of aggression in the middle of Europe against a country that was just on its way to freedom and efforts of democratic communities. Actually a cowardly invasion of a Ukraine not oriented to attack or defense - why that? Because fascism must be ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 8 2022

Dear friends of Kobel's Art Week,ARCO Madrid is taking place and there is also an art fair in South Africa (Cape town art fair) now in its 4th year. The further away from the hotspot of Eastern Europe, one gets the feeling, the better. In Ukraine, however, curators tirelessly prepare art exhibitions and find lenders who don't demand war insurance with shaking knees, which no ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 7 2022

Dear friends of Kobel's Art Week,Germany has a new Federal President, who is the old one. Because he can only be re-elected once, he is now allowed to inspire us and give us good ideas for 5 more years. He usually does this so quietly and considerately that you don't even notice he's there. Regardless of whether Corona is changing the world, the speechlessness between ... read more