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Zilkens' News Blog Archive

Zilkens' News Blog 6 2024

The art market is on the move - at least the people who shape it. Despite all the virtual mediation options, art fairs are on the rise again. Whether in India or Mexico, Geneva or Brussels, people are getting the chance to buy art in tents or closed rooms. Some of them with the $ signs in their eyes and the expectation that they can ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 5 2024

For almost a century, the pavilions of Germany and France stand opposite each other in the Giardini in Venice, with Great Britain forming the bracket in the centre. This is somehow also an image of an old Europe-centred world. If you read the list of artists exhibiting there from April - Julien Creuzet for France, Yael Bartana and Ersan Mondtag for Germany and John Akomfrah ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 4 2024

Paintings don't scream or even need food when they are being transported. For example, a Picasso and a Chagall, which were stolen in Tel Aviv in 2010 together with diamonds worth around EUR 700,000, could not be found until last week, when they were discovered by the police in Antwerp. Diamonds and Antwerp have a common history. This is not quite so pronounced with Chagall ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 3 2024

Johann König opens another gallery in Mexico City. Corina Krawinkel, who has long been a collector and museum patron in Cologne, will be in charge of setting up the gallery. Young Mexican positions are to be the focus and strengthen the current wave reminiscent of New York in the 1980s, according to Artnet. At the beginning of February, a delegation from the Federal Association of ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 2 2024 - The first one of the year

The year has already started with a bang: In France, the 17th century castle of Serquigny burnt down, in Japan the earth shook and there was a near-disaster in air traffic, the Swiss franc is becoming ever stronger against the euro, in Germany large swathes of land are under water, which the government now wants to use to declare a state of emergency in order ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 51 2023 - the last one this year

Christmas Eve will be over in a week's time and hopefully you have had a great Christmas.2023 was a mixed year in many respects: the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is experiencing its second turn of the year and the supporters of freedom are tiring of selfish motives. Hamas' bloody attack on Israel opens our eyes to Islamist-induced anti-Semitism, which has been dormant in ... read more