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Zilkens' News Blog Archive

Zilkens' News Blog 50 2023

O ano está lentamente a chegar ao fim, mas o panorama artístico continua a ser interessante. O nosso chefe numas merecidas férias. Saudações da sua equipa!Life without a pug is possible, but pointless. We know this phrase from Loriot. You may not agree with the breed, but what could be better than dachshunds? Life is pointless without a dog.Elliott Erwitt, one of the grand masters ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 49 2023

Just in time for the 1st Advent, the Cologne theatre staged a beautifully spoken production of Franz Kafka's "Trial" in which Josef K. does not know why it is being done to him. Another K. was told by the author of a catalogue raisonné of a no longer living artist that the work he had offered for expensive money at an auction would not be ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 48 2023

Kobels Kunstwoche has now been around for 10 years. We would like to thank our loyal readership and warmly congratulate Stefan Kobel for not allowing himself to be bent over the years, but for retaining his critical spirit and writing style. When we started putting the idea of critically commenting on the art market online in 2013, I had cuffs because I feared that customers ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 47 2023

One more week, then Stefan Kobel's art week will be 10 years old and four weeks later it will be Christmas. The news does not tell of peace, neither in Ukraine nor in the Gaza Strip or in other centres of conflict around the world. In many Western countries, the cultural and historical cement has suffered because the message that Christmas actually brings us is ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 46 2023

Two more issues and then Kobel's Kunstwoche will have been around for 10 years. Today marks the 518th issue of all. Carnival - the festival of Rhenish cheerfulness - has been around for much longer, but in Cologne it has mutated into a marvellous excuse for Deutsche Bahn to be late. The carnival revellers overcrowded the main station to such an extent that it had ... read more

Zilkens' News Blog 45 2023

You will read the 517th edition of Kobel's Art Week. But before that, this:The Journal des Arts has published a brief survey of the art insurance market in France. The constantly rising value of artworks should mean that more and more museums, dealers and collectors have to insure their works. From the outside, the French market appears competitive, as new ... read more